Uvinza FM Community Radio
Currently there is no local radio or TV station in Uvinza and the rest of Uvinza District which has unique characteristics socio economic backwardness. Its culture is predominantly peasant agriculture and animal husbandry is recently migrated into the area. Uvinza FM (UFM) Community Radio will be launched soon to change mindsets that retard social and economic behavior change.

Please consider making a donation to the UFM Community Radio to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), UNESCO Universal Declaration on Culture Diversity, Global Climate Change Awareness Effort and Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) through media advocacy and mitigating effort.
With your donation UFM Community Radio will be able to provide broadcasting services that reflect the needs of the people in the community, including cultural, religious, sports and demographic needs;empower women, men, youth and other marginalized groups to take part in socio economic. sports and cultural development activities; provide programmes that inform community about issues pertaining to health, education and entertainment; provide programming that is participatory in its dealing with community issues which are not normally covered by other content services providers covering the same area; promote national unity, peace, tranquility, social stability, transparency and cultural identity.
Please become an active participant in UFM Community Radio to enrich your ancestors’ memories, brothers and sisters and the whole of Uvinza District to be as the ‘NEW’ as it is supposed to be.
Any questions please contact uvinzafm@gmail.com
Please complete this form and return to the email above or at
P.O.Box 79492,Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with
Uvinza FM Community Radio as Addressee.
P.O.Box 79492,Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with
Uvinza FM Community Radio as Addressee.
I would like to support UFM Community Radio with a gift of:
1TZS 15,000 1TZS 25,000 1TZS 50,000 1TZS 100,000
Other amount (€/£/$/TZS)__________________________
Other amount (€/£/$/TZS)__________________________
Title _____ Surname ___________________First Name ____________________
Address ____________________ Phone #/email __________________________
Please choose one of the following 3 ways to pay:
1. Cheque made payable to: UVINZA FM RADIO CRDB Bank A/C No. 0150258886200
2. Mobile: M-PESA(0767 571303),AIRTEL MONEY(0788 571303),TIGO PESA(0713 571303)
3. Direct to UFM Community Radio or any other form (please specify)
*Depending on the number of payments or amount of donation made;
You will be guaranteed the membership to the radio including various
complementary i.e. special appearances, interviews,
and promotional items like T-shirts.