About Us


Welcome to the Uvinza FM Community Radio Station. UFM Community Radio features entertainment, local news and weather, special programming, community updates and information about our New Uvinza District. UFM Community Radio is a Not-For-Profit station run by all-volunteer staffs who generously donate their time with the primary objective of serving the community.


To be a pioneer agent of positive social participation and income generating behaviour change in Uvinza and elsewhere in Lake Tanganyika Corridor Basin in Kigoma.


To disseminate social and economic changes information through awareness creation news, drama, entertainment, talk shows discussions and speciality programs in education, health, agriculture, animal husbandry, entrepreneurship, sports and culture orientations.


Primary Objective:
  • To provide community access to the airwaves and offer diverse programming that reflects the needs and interests of the community through media advocacy and mitigating effort.
Secondary Objectives:

  1. To facilitate and advocate social – economic development. 
  2. To provide broadcasting services that reflects the needs of the people in the community, including cultural, religious, sports and demographic needs;
  3. To empower women, men, youth and other marginalized groups to take part in socio economic, sports and cultural development activities.
  4. To provide programming that is participatory in its dealing with   community issues which are not normally covered by other content services providers covering the same area; 
  5. To provide programmes those inform community about issues pertaining to health, education and entertainment.
  6. To undertake to promote national unity, peace, tranquility, social stability, transparency and cultural identity

This has been just a brief explanation of UFM Community Radio. You are invited to step in with any questions you might have, ideas of how to make this radio station a better service are also welcomed. We hope this has been helpful and hope, also, that our broadcasts and blog will serve your needs over the coming years.


One Response so far.

  1. Hi, am Juma Khmis i need to be your reporter or presenter as you said it be volunteer how can a journalist manage without getting his or her basic needs? Thank you.

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UVINZA FM COMMUNITY RADIO © 2012 | Designed by Emmanuel Hilonga